For self
1. Father, I thank you for unending love toward me as a woman, a wife and mother.
2. Lord, I receive wisdom from on high to run my home and my affairs with discretion. 
3. I receive the grace to use my tongue to bless and not to curse. My words will build up and impact grace to my hearers.
4. I receive the spirit of humility to submit to my husband in all things to bring glory to your name. 
5. I declare that none of the evil diseases of Egypt will be my portion. I will not be a victim of any cancer, depression, anxiety and all other evil diseases.
6. The spirit of divorce will not have its way in my home. My marriage will not be part of the statistics of this land.
7. My walk with the Lord will be strengthened, I will grow in grace daily and exhibit the fruits of the spirit. 
8. My family and I will be true ambassadors of Christ. Many will want to serve our God. 
9. Lord, let your kingdom come in my life, in my home, in my career and business and in your church. 
10. Father,  I give you praise for a new dawn in my life. Take all the glory in Jesus name. 
For Husband 
1. Father,  I thank you for my husband.  Thank you for giving me a covering. 
2. I ask for grace for him to function in the office of the priest in our home.
3. I receive supernatural wisdom for him to run our home and take decisions that will bring us into your plan for us.
4. I declare that he will not fail as a husband and as a father. He will be a good example and a positive influence on others. 
5. I soak my husband in the blood of Jesus, every attempt of the devil to strike the head in order to scatter the home will not succeed.
6. He will live in supernatural health, his strength will be renewed also by God’s hand upon him.
7. I declare that he will fulfill the number of is days. I will not become a widow in my prime.
8. Together, we would fulfill God’s plan for our lives. 
9. I declare that we’ll be big time kingdom promoters all the days of our lives.
10. Father, I pray for every lady trusting you for their own husband, that their time will come speedily and you will do a new thing for which we’ll all praise you in the name of Jesus. 
For Children 
1. Father, I thank you for my children. Thank you for the privilege of being a mother. 
2. I declare that my children will know and serve you from a tender age like Samuel. 
3. Lord, I receive the grace to bring them up in your ways irrespective of the world we live in.
4. I declare that the devil will not succeed in recruiting my children for his agenda. 
5. I soak my children in the blood of Jesus, their minds will not be corrupted by the world around them. 
6. The word of God will be the final authority over their affairs and not social media. 
7. I separate them from friends and peers that will not let them fulfill God’s plan for their lives.
8. My children will be true ambassadors for Christ , they will rock their world for Jesus. 
9. I will not mourn over my children,  I will not bury my children. They will continually bring me joy in the name of Jesus. 
10. My children will not be a victim of another person’s error. 
11. I disconnect my children from any generational curse that will not let them fulfill their destinies in Jesus name. 
12. I connect my children to destiny helpers, men like Angels and Angels like men in Jesus name. 
13. I decree that an excellent spirit as such as was found in Daniel will begin to operate in my children. 
14. When it’s time to choose a spouse, my children will not make a mistake. They will not be unequally yoked with unbelievers 
15. I use my children as a point of contact for every one trusting God for children, the Lord will give you a testimony this year and make your quiver full. 
Thank you father for answered prayers, for in Jesus mighty name I have prayed.

By: Sis. Oyetayo Adebayo.

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